
uContact is an All in One contact center solution that includes ACD, recording, dialers (preview, power and predictive), CRM, WFM, quality, call reporting, live monitoring, IVR, SMS, Web Chat with audio and video, Gamification and many others features.

Languages supported: English, Portuguese, Spanish

Platforms: Mac, Win, Linux

Price: $$$$$

Business Size: 1

9.4/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #26 in category Contact Center Operations Software
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uContact is a Cloud & Omnichannel solution that enables its users to manage all their voice and text interactions in the same place. This way, it makes agents’ work simpler, more organized, and -why not- more enjoyable too; and helps increase your Contact Center’s productivity levels by 300%.

Thanks to uContact’s market-leader dialers, bots, WhatsApp and social media integrations, IVR, real-time dashboards, and many other features, our clients can provide a better Customer Experience to their own customers in every interaction, through every channel. And the best thing is, with its Drag-and-Drop development tools, uContact is made to adapt to each clients’ needs.

This beautiful, secure, and reliable platform was created 10 years ago by Integra CCS, after identifying the lack of a truly all-in-one solution for the Contact Center industry. Now, we have clients in more than 25 countries and manage an estimate of 500 million annual interactions.

Jump to uContact and reinvent yourself.


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Customer Reviews

uContact Reviews

Carlos Antonio I.

Advanced user of uContact
excelente herramienta omnicanal

What do you like best?

Lo intuitivo que es, la autonomia que brinda al usuario adminsitrador asi como la independencia para realizar estrategias ya sean de discado o de gestion. Una herramienta muy colaborativa y que permite contar son el seguimiento en linea.

What do you dislike?

Es una herramienta muy completa para las necesidades actuales del sector de Contact Center en Peru. De momento no encuentro algun punto que me disguste de la herramienta

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

PermitiГі a los clientes , mejorar su continuidad de negocio en esta pandemia, brindandoles una herramienta de control en linea, segumiento y de motivacion para su fuerza operativa.

Review source: G2.com

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