Great CDP with lots of Features and Easy to Use
What do you like best?
We could kick this off quickly without a ton of overhead and begin collecting data on our customers and their interactions with our web properties. Based on that data, we could make informed marketing decisions and see ROI beginning almost immediately after implementation.
What do you dislike?
The only downside is that it requires some forethought on how you want to set up your relationships, and it takes a little time to correct if you don't do it right. This scenario is certainly not a showstopper. It is possible to make the needed corrections; however, the Lytics team is engaged and makes sound recommendations upfront to prevent this from occurring, if possible.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
We were looking to make more informed marketing decisions based on user behavior and insights around our customers. As previously mentioned, we already see ROI across multiple marketing campaigns.