
Email Data Quality and Enhancement Services

Languages supported: English

8.4/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #48 in category Email Verification Software
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ollect real emails and connect with your customers with Email Validation.

Sending to bad email accounts is costly. In fact, about 8.7% of email addresses entered on websites are invalid, fake or misspelled.

Email Validation protects your marketing spend and improves your ROI by catching and correcting invalid data.

TowerData’s Email Validation can:
– Catch and correct poor syntax, spelling and typos
– Remove toxic emails, flag role accounts and identify disposable emails
– Check domain and ping mailbox
– Identify active emails with Open Data

Email Validation starts at just $0.01 per email.


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Customer Reviews

TowerData Reviews

Miguel Alberto Z.

Advanced user of TowerData
Clean your inbox and check emails with Towerdata.

What do you like best?

TowerData is safe and reliable. Using this software at work has been one of the best privileges I've ever had, as I use my email daily to communicate with the different departments of my company, customers, and IT product providers, and I manage my email with great agility thanks to TowerData, which allows me to verify large email lists in a short time verifying that these emails exist, and running spelling errors that have email addresses. I also use TowerData to apply anti-spam filters to prohibit these emails from entering my inbox. This software has these great benefits that, applied correctly in your work, you will get great results in the management of your email.

What do you dislike?

It is a software that offers you excellent tools to manage your email, with a beautiful interface that facilitates the use of each of its tools, has a very affordable price, and its mail verification tools are the best I could use in my work. TowerData is a fascinating software, whose tools have an excellent performance.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

If you require the use of email to meet your business goals, it is time to acquire TowerData, because with this software and all the tools at your disposal, you can check email lists quickly and securely, you can also keep your inbox free of spams emails, which usually contain information harmful to your PC. Add security and management to your work email with TowerData.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Using TowerData in my work has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, as this software and its email management functions have considerably improved the way I use my email, thus improving communication within my company and with our suppliers and customers.

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