
SalesRight helps B2B SaaS sales professionals close more deals by arming them with interactive and intelligent pricing that increase revenue and enhances the buying experience.

Languages supported: English

9.4/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #11 in category CPQ Software
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SalesRight’s Interactive Live Quotes communicates your pricing and packages to prospects in a clear, customized, private page that provide prospects with a sales-psychology-backed buying experience they love. SalesRight regains valuable time teams can spend selling which increasing deal size and velocity.


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Customer Reviews

SalesRight Reviews

Ashton W.

Advanced user of SalesRight
Prospects love it!

What do you like best?

Makes price interactive

Saves time with back and forth questions around options because prospects can "play" with pricing

Insights into how the prospects adjust price allow us to prepare for meetings,

Insights allow us to see how our pricing is landing and what additional features they may be interested in

Ease of Use

Prospects actually love it and say so on many calls

What do you dislike?

Tool has limited branding functionality which forces you to keep it simple, but would love a bit more customization so it feels more like our company and less like a third party tool

Recommendations to others considering the product:

It is a pretty big behaviour change to move from slides to a webpage for some but it's easy, works and our prospects actually rave about it. We go to coach pricing calls and hear prospects ask what tool we're using or compliment how it makes pricing simple. Just be prepared to teach everyone how to demo price vs present it on a single slide.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Presenting price to prospects is easy and since they get the website we show in the demo it breeds trust and transparency

getting insights into how our pricing and packaging is landing with prospects

Upsell is easier because prospects can see features they may not have purchased

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