Round Robin Distributor

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0.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #164 in category Salesforce Appexchange Apps
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Our Clients love the tool for the following Use-Cases it addresses:
1. Rule-based distribution logic can be setup in a few clicks and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.
2. Distribution to queues. Clients use RRD to round robin between a number of queues or apply weighted distribution.
3. Relationship based distribution. Pretty useful for routing leads and cases as you want to assign them to the same person working with another case/lead from the same client.
4. Volume Management. Caps can be set on a team and user level to enhance productivityВ by handlingВ theВ number of open items withВ repsВ in a period
5. Distribution from Queues happen in real-time after lead/ case enrichment with an option to run batches ranging from 10mins to a week.
6. Customizable Work Schedule/ Calendar for geographically dispersed teams to track holidays before a lead/ case is assigned.
7. User Controls to toggle the availability status while taking a break or a PTO etc. to control record assignment and many more.

Round Robin Distributor
Round Robin Distributor

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