Meridian for RFP Analysis

Provides quick and accurate results regardless of RFP complexity. It allows you to move forward in the response process with confidence and assurance that requirements are identified, quantified and fulfilled in your proposal response.

Languages supported: English

Platforms: Win

Price: $$$$$

Business Size: 1

7.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #83 in category Proposal Software
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Deliver Winning Proposals
Make proposal management easy with the right tools for responding to complex government RFPs.
In three easy steps you can analyze, outline and build a compliance matrix and cross references.

Meridian for RFP Analysis
Meridian for RFP Analysis

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Customer Reviews

Meridian for RFP Analysis Reviews

Beth S.

Advanced user of Meridian for RFP Analysis
Tough to use but great customer service

What do you like best?

Reads MS Word documents, finds every "will", "shall", etc.. in the RFP and helps you create storyboards, outlines, compliance tables, etc... all at the same time. What would normally take 1 person 1-3 days (depending on size of the proposal) takes just a few hours.

Customer service is terrific. They are a small business and so when you call, you usually get right thru to someone who can help you out with anything you need - technical support or product support.

What do you dislike?

GUI is hard to use. There is definitely a learning curve. I took the online training but it still took some time to figure out. They also offer webinars often to help people learn to use the product better. But the GUI is still very rough.

It also works best with word. It doesn't use pdf, and unfortunately we receive a lot of proposals that are pdf (and are scanned - so I can't just convert them). It doesn't read excel or powerpoint either.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Take the training and webinars.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

What would normally take 1 person 1-3 days (depending on size of the proposal) takes just a few hours.

It is only a "shred" tool. It is not a "writer" tool. It was only used by the proposal manager and not anyone else. We only had 1 license and it resided on my computer.

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