Recording agents in call centers works great
What do you like best?
I really do like Dubber and am glad we have it. We use Cox Communications for 3 main call centers with over 70 agents in all. For the longest time Cox didn't have anything to record calls so they partnered with Dubber to offer that service. I like that I can export the calls to a file or email a link. The search is fast with various filters and I can break up the agetns into teams so that certain supervisors can only listen to certain agents. I like that it shows the length of the calls and callerID. I can scrub through the audio right on the website.
What do you dislike?
It can't automatically sync up with Cox, so if a first/last name in Cox changes, I have to manually change it in Dubber to match up. Fortunately, they do make it easy to see the ones that don't sync up. They list them on a page for you to review. Though they could make it even easier if we could click a button on that page to update Dubber with Cox's first/last name instantly, instead of requiring me to go to each of the out-of-sync phones one-by-one to change the first/last names manually in Dubber.
A limitation that they've put in to speed things up is that you can only scroll through so many pages of calls before you hit a wall. To get past this, you have to put a filter in for a date range or agent, since it has a finite amount of pages you can scroll through. In most cases, this isn't a problem, but our agents take hundreds of calls a day, so you really do need to put those filters in or you'll hit that wall.
On the setup page to order/sync between Cox and Dubber, there is no search feature, so I have to scroll through 400 names/numbers to find the phone I want to add to Dubber. I find myself just using the browser's search feature and guessing which page it might be on. Smaller customers won't find this as cumbersome as us.
Also, Dubber's system has bug where if two phones have the same first/last name and one of the phones is out of sync (which happens when an agent moves to a different phone) AND you change the plan type of one of the phones. Dubber's system will link (merge) the accounts, so then I have to delete both accounts and recreate them, since they can't be unlinked. That's a rare bug and all 3 conditions have to be met for it to happen. I'm guessing most people won't ever experience this but it's happened 3 times to me over the past couple years.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
For Cox business customers, there is no alternative, but even if there were, I'd still feel comfortable using Dubber. I haven't used the analytics feature, but I think that sounds really cool. Recording calls for any system is not cheap, but it's worth it for us. There's a different pricing structure for call centers, so make sure you get the correct package. Getting it tied to Cox was surprisingly fast. Cox and Dubber were essentially able to click a button and turn it on. Then I just had to go through all the phones I wanted to record and pick a plan for each, based on the call volume I expected each phone to have. It does record inbound and outbound calls (internal and external), regardless if the call came in from the call center queues, so keep that in mind. The one thing it doesn't have is a reporting system to tally up all your minutes for each phone each month, so if you go over your limit you don't exactly know which phone was the culprit. I'm sure if I put a ticket in they'd let me know. Their helpdesk is eager to help.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
We can now better train and give feedback to agents and do some quality control. It helps with disputes and finally gives us the true story of what really happened. An unexpected benifit is that I have also been able to coorelate the voice recordings with the raww call logs from Cox, which has helped fill in the gaps.