Handles membership and single item satisfaction for clients precisely.
What do you like best?
One of only a handful few ERP-esque frameworks for B2B specialty content distributers. The framework is long entrenched business rationale history to help distributer business movement (memberships, list rental, conceded income).
What do you dislike?
Customer is Windows as it were. Crossing over Multipub with outer frameworks (APIs, Salesforce, ODBC, and so on.) has been testing.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Have a reasonable comprehension of what Multipub is great at. Are it's qualities going to tackle your business issues? Each client will be a custom organization. Get your information all together before you behind that procedure.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
It's key to our day by day tasks (request taking care of, client record taking care of, memberships, recharges, bookkeeping).