Good head start for UHNWI research
What do you like best?
Wealth-X is especially useful for prospects in foreign countries. The complete dossiers have a lot of good information collected, saving time for users.
What do you dislike?
Wealth estimates are frequently lacking substance, and/or suspiciously similar to Forbes. We consider these only a broad indicators. Many, many dossiers have little to no information other than "likely UHNW," which is frustrating.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Ask for a live demo, and search for names not in the Forbes 400 to see the reality of who's there and how much information is available without using dossier credits. Bill Gates will have a stellar record, your prospects may not. Also consider the additional services such as relationship mapping, screening, or prospect lists that Wealth-X can provide you.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Wealth-X helps us respond quickly to c-suite research requests and is a great help for international prospects where we are less comfortable with the language and information sources