
With one click, we send your job to 100+ leading job boards. Then we find people with the right experience and invite them to apply. The result? Quality candidates, fast.

Languages supported: English

Platforms: Mac, Win, Linux

Price: $$$$$

Business Size: 0

9.4/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #25 in category Job Boards Software
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ZipRecruiter is the smartest way to hire, for any size company, in any field. With one click, we instantly send your job to 100+ job boards. Then, using powerful matching technology, we find people with the right experience and invite them to apply. 4 out of 5 employers who post a job on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. It’s no coincidence that ZipRecruiter is rated #1 by employers in the U.S.* Employers can try ZipRecruiter for free any time at

*Based on Trustpilot rating of hiring sites with over 1,000 reviews.


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Customer Reviews

ZipRecruiter Reviews

Anthony D.

Advanced user of ZipRecruiter
Solar service technician

What do you like best?

Price structure, although it doesnt offer results

What do you dislike?

The website is slower then 90% of websites I have visited in the last 5 years. I cant believe a web based platform such as this has such slow webpage speeds. Its nearly unbearable. The "help" continues to contradict themselves. One rep will tell you the algorithm works one way and the other will tell you another. I dont believe the boost does anything at all. I have double boosted at times and had the exact results of no boost at all. Honestly, its a sham. I have both indeed and zip posting right now and the traffic and candidates are far superior on indeed than on Zip. Its a surprise they are still in business at this point and im blown away with how many "good" reviews they have

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