
Xref is trusted by businesses globally to offer reference, background and ID checks that are fast, simple and secure.

Languages supported: Danish, German, English, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Chinese (Simplified)

9.2/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #12 in category Reference Check Software
Ease of use
Ease of Setup


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Xref is trusted by businesses all over the world to empower great people decisions.

It is a best-in-class, global solution that makes reference, background and ID checking fast, simple and secure. The user-friendly technology is backed by local support teams, offers multi-language capabilities and meets the highest global compliance standards (ISO 27001).

Xref is accessible from any device and integrates with multiple leading HR tools and ATS platforms to offer seamless, end-to-end recruitment workflows.

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Customer Reviews

Xref Reviews

Julia P.

Advanced user of Xref
Simple & Effective for both Employers and Applicants - time saver !

What do you like best?

X-Ref has a really easy to use interface and the fact you can set up different templated reference checks to suit your roles/needs means setting up references is super fast. When processing hundreds of references a year, as an HR Coordinator it has saved me an immeasurable amount of time (no playing phone tag or scribbling notes). The IP address alerts mean you can be notified if there is any suspicious behaviour which is a great feature.

Managers love x-ref because they get a quick detailed response that they can refer back to or follow up on if needed. It has completely streamlined our process and we wouldnt be without it.

Support from X-ref has always been top notch and becuase they are a progressive company I know there will be more and more improvements along the way.

What do you dislike?

Nothing that I can think of generally. The only niggle I have is the when I enter an applicants details it brings up all of the country area codes when I wish it would automatically just show NZ (+64).

Otherwise It's great and I have no complaints !

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Time saving - it has given us time back (both in the HR Team and for managers) and clarity (clear answers) that are not lost in translation.

Review source: G2.com

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