
SERPsketch shows you exactly what your customers see in Google. Helping you to analyse competition down to the keyword level across all features of the search results page. By knowing what features of Google appear for which keywords, and who is competing there we give you all the information you need to dominate the SERPs for your most important keywords.

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10.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #27 in category SEO Software
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SERPsketch shows you exactly what your customers see in Google. Helping you to analyse competition down to the keyword level across all features of the search results page. By knowing what features of Google appear for which keywords, and who is competing there we give you all the information you need to dominate the SERPs for your most important keywords.


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Customer Reviews

SERPsketch Reviews

Gerry W.

Advanced user of SERPsketch
SERP Sketch is the solution we were looking for

What do you like best?

We've been using SERPSketch for many months now, we have been doing migrations and re-platforming multiple websites as an agency and it was clear we needed something that tracked more than just '10 blue links' and ranking data just wasn't enough, this has enabled us to graph and track visibility not just of the domain but also the social profiles and more over time.

What do you dislike?

One thing that we do want, is API access, it has an awesome interface, but if we could pull the data out programatically that would save us a bit of time in our analysis.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Amazing support and they adapt quickly to market needs, huge potential and recommended.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

With many of our clients, from travel to cinemas, they don't want just simple rankings for key brand and product terms they want a comprehensive serp we want to demonstrate our understanding of this and this allows us to track it - we nearly built something similar as an internal project but scraping SERPs is a lot harder than it appears.

The metrics and historical information has been critical in proving to a client where the issues are and more importantly aren't, during the Coronavirus situation this has proved particularly interesting as the serps have never been so dynamic.

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