Designed to facilitate and automate communication between preK-12 educators and parents.
Designed to facilitate and automate communication between preK-12 educators and parents.
Customer Reviews
Phil B.
Advanced user of ParentSquareI like how ParentSquare handles mass communication and SIS integration. They've made a lot of improvements to the interfaces as well as remediation of issues with students transferring between multiple districts using ParentSquare. A lot of work has gone into making it more useable and user-friendly from the end user standpoint.
Simple things, such as remediating student issues with the student registration emails, continues to be a little frustrating. I have asked for an enhancement to put all the student management info and remediation issues in one spot, but it seems to still be all over the place. For instance, I can edit student user info under each individual school, but can't work out of the district level from that standpoint. Instead of going to the Admin tab and utilizing the Users section to remediate student email verifications in which the emails were rejected, I have to go to the full directory for the individual school, search for the exact name of the student and remediate registration issues from at a time. When there are only a few items, this isn't so bad...however, when there are a lot of new students, this is very time-consuming as there is also no way to do mass remediations of this type.
Student and parent communications at the same time with this program are highly efficient, and one of the most efficient I've seen, hence the higher grade regardless of the sysadmin issues.