Digarc Register

Simplify and streamline the registration process for students by empowering them to create a visual schedule based on the courses they need to graduate and preferred times, locations and more. Students and advisors can easily plan for more credit hours to reduce time to graduation, supporting retention and success efforts. Institutions also get insight into course supply and demand so they can proactively adjust schedules.

Languages supported: English

0.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #76 in category School Management Software
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Simplify and streamline the registration process for students by empowering them to create a visual calendar based on the courses they need to graduate and preferred times, locations and more. Students can easily register for more credit hours to reduce time to graduation, supporting student retention and success efforts. Institutions get insight like never before into supply and demand.

Digarc Register
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