dealsaver features daily deals, coupons, and discounts on the best stores, events, restaurants, food, and entertainment in your local area or city.
dealsaver features daily deals, coupons, and discounts on the best stores, events, restaurants, food, and entertainment in your local area or city.
Customer Reviews
Jade C.
Advanced user of dealsaverDealsaver is a great way to reach your local community and inform of your business through special offers. Everybody loves a good deal, and Dealsaver attracts a wide variety of people looking to save in local businesses. I was able to get the word out about my business and get many new people in the door.
Dealsaver attracts people who actively search to save money at local businesses. Because of this, I found clients who used Dealsaver to be less likely to return.
Dealsaver helped me to get word out about my business and many new faces in the door. It provided a good number of leads and a way to reach out to the local community.