Casetext is a smarter legal research platform: easy-to-use, efficient, and cost-effective.
Over 5,000 law firms — from thousands of solos to 40% of the Am Law 100 — use Casetext to help them find better results, in less time, for less money.
The Casetext database includes unlimited access to cases, statutes, rules, regulations, articles, and briefs that are updated daily. In addition to natural language and boolean search, Casetext enables researchers to search its database with CARA A.I., a first-of-its-kind search technology that finds authorities with the same legal issues, facts, and jurisdiction as a particular matter.
Unlike with Lexis and Westlaw, Casetext solves for attorneys’ dependence on expensive and outdated technology because it offers A.I. powered search, leverages cutting-edge technology developed by Ph.D. data scientists, and costs just $65/month.
Start a 14-day free trial here to see if Casetext works for you:
Or you can watch an overview/demo video here to see the platform in action: