Best Privileged Access Management tool ever.
What do you like best?
The best thing I like about it is security it provides, we are having different server and we can't give access to everyone so ARCON give us feasibility to differentiate our user groups. Second thing is the recording feature which can help us in diagnose any vicious activity if occur. Like when we allow any user to access, we don't have to seat their and watch his activity, we can see the recording in order to observe the activities.
What do you dislike?
After few times we have to clear temp files in order to take server access which is tedious job sometimes.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
We are having different set of servers like Development, SIT, UAT, Staging, production and we can't give everyone access every server. So ARCON helps us to differentiate server access of user. We have AIX server it's complicated to upload file on it by commond line. ARCON give the easy UI to upload and download file from server.