Nokia Cognitive Analytics for Crowd Insight- Revolution in Technology
What do you like best?
I like all products and services of Nokia, first of all its pioneer, most modern technology of Nokia mobile phones, that mostly come today with Android! Smartphones of Nokia, have everything one wants for perfect daily communication, with others, either You are at home, or in the office. Nokia is indeed a small pocket perfect Computer, that includes all we need on busy days, and it's designed for busy people utmost, being suitable and useful to anyone else too!
What do you dislike?
There's nothing I dislike in Nokia, it has many kinds and sectors of services, as ''Cognitive Analytics for Crowd Insight'' has, for cognitive data analysis and synthesis, that make our daily life easier, and mostly save us time.Its well designed methods of Cognitive Data Analysis enhances our experience with external world. The advantage is that this can be implemented by anyone, who wants to do further Business with the helpof this pioneer system, that saves time, and helps us organize and develop our Business, and control it.
Cognitive Anaysis of Nokia, can help us in a short while to turn this technology into revenues, not only by controling ourBusiness, but helps us being more creative, besides having control, in fields like transportation, tourism, marketing, business dealing with ads. We can check our ads better, and in a more organized way, actually with help of this system offering us Stats of our own personalized business; thus collect data, organize them easier, get all information we want, in how for ex. first some people found us, how many visits we have had in our store, where these people come from, what other stores they've visited, and help thus define our priorities and find any possible deficiency in system and improve it, besindes improving our services to Clients and manage better our ads..
Recommendations to others considering the product:
This system is recommended to anybody who wants some time to make his/her own business, but also use system in an indirect way.
This kind of technology is a sophisticated ''facility'', a system that anyone can love and use as Great tool, in sectors of Marketing, Tourism, Transportation,to make revenues, but also get advice in order to become consultor in this field of services to others later. I defend the aspect, we should tell our knowledge and information to others to help them also grow, find new opportunities like us, and know how to manage their business later and so one. For the more advanced ones in technology of this kind, the service is highly recommended.
This system can thus be used by Airline Companies,Travel Agencies, and even Universities. If Cognitive Analysis becomes collective, then team work will be also enhanced, or if one wants to learn almost everything on his/her own, there'a available traning from experts to start.
There are also other additional, but still main services connected to this one, of Nokia.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Actually, first of all, by dealing with this system, one gets informed better, by becoming familiar with the system, even with little experience before. Be creative in the frame of a specifically strictly designed system, but that also offers us, possibility ot grow along with it, and improve strategies of marketing, in fields, like Tourism, Transportation, through which you can help also other people, and not keep only for ourselves, help first other people use system, and why not, gain a professional experience like us, in the future.