What do you like best?
What I liked best about HelpScribble is that it really offers many capabilities. It allows for the creation of many different types of help files ranging from Web-based documents to full-fledged manuals and others. The capabilities included also allow creation in WinHelp and HTML standards. I found it to be helpful that it is a full-featured stand alone tool rather than an add-on to MS Word, as many other authoring tools are, so that you can create the entire help file right in HelpScribble.
What do you dislike?
HelpScribble is very extensive and the user-support documents are quite a read if you have the time and energy to do so. The interface and work flow is not streamlined and certainly is not intuitive which may prove difficult and daunting for beginner users.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Good tool to have that keeps everything within HelpScribble as it's a full-featured stand alone tool.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Using HelpScribble as a help-authoring tool to create HTML Help files