LogMeIn Central

Helping people and businesses access their digital lives from virtually anywhere, on any device.

Languages supported: German, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified)

Platforms: Mac, Win, Linux

Price: $$$$$

Business Size: 1

8.4/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #71 in category Antivirus Software
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LogMeIn Central is a pure, cloud-based remote monitoring and management solution enabling IT professionals to effectively monitor, manage, and secure their endpoint infrastructure. ​Whether you have remote employees or endpoints scattered across the globe, LogMeIn Central provides IT organizations with the speed, flexibility, and insight needed to increase productivity, reduce IT costs, and mitigate risk.

LogMeIn Central
LogMeIn Central

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Customer Reviews

LogMeIn Central Reviews

Fernando F.

Advanced user of LogMeIn Central
Great Remote Management and Remote Control software!

What do you like best?

It is easy to use and fast. The remote control features are very reliable. It has a few things lacking, and others you have to pay extra for but overall in its basic mode is very efficient and just put a little into it and you have a powerful tool for IT.

What do you dislike?

LogMeIn Central has some tools that you have to pay extra for and while useful tools like the security, automation , and advanced reporting, I have not been able to justify the extra cost. Another unfortunate part it is that while they encourage resellers and IT consultant to use it for their clients they do not provide branding features for those of us that need them.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

If you need a tool to remote control your systems or those of clients this is one of the easiest ones to use and deploy.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

We use LogMeIn to remotely manage and monitor our clients systems and our own and use it to determine when there are problems we need to look at and resolve. Additionally we are able to remote in and provide behind the scenes management and fixing issues before a client even nows. We also provide remote support with it as clients request and need it. Lastly we make it available to customers s they can remote into their own computers as needed.

Review source: G2.com

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