SafeSide serves health, behavioral health, community, and educational organizations who share the aspirational goal of Zero Suicide (whether or not you call it that). Most of our subscribers have already made strides in implementing evidence-based tools, and are ready to bring it all together with a coherent framework. We work with state and provincial leaders who want training that scales, and a common language that unites the workforce across their region.
Our most successful partners invest in high quality continuing education to benefit current staff and attract new talent. Their SafeSide subscription is an opportunity to provide their employees with sustainable, year-round learning, and interactions with experts and like-minded professionals around the world.
We offer programs for Primary Care, Behavioral Health, and Youth Services. All program share core components:
Video-guided learning. Interact with your team to apply a systematic framework of best practices in Zero Suicide care taught and modeled by real clinicians and lived experience faculty.
Virtual office hours. Ask questions and share experiences with Dr. Pisani and SafeSide subscribers from around the world in brief monthly Q&A webinars.
Updates, new modules, and refreshers. Stay current with advances in Zero Suicide care through regular updates, new modules, and quick refreshers throughout the year.