ProProfs Flashcards Maker

ProProfs Flashcards Maker is a tool to create memory aids and study facts, words, formulas, and quotes.

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7.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #43 in category Study Tools
Ease of use
Ease of Setup

ProProfs Flashcards Maker is a tool to create memory aids and study facts, words, formulas, and quotes.

ProProfs Flashcards Maker
ProProfs Flashcards Maker

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Customer Reviews

ProProfs Flashcards Maker Reviews

Dan'te' J.

Advanced user of ProProfs Flashcards Maker
great tool for teachers

What do you like best?

You can create flash cards for print or digital media.

What do you dislike?

The software is just for creating flash cards and no other classroom media

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

I can create flashcard databases so students can pick the study aids they need and print them out or download create their own flash cards

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