Parcel Perform

We help retailers manage the after-checkout experience, reduce customer service costs and improve their logistics setup.

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8.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #22 in category Package Tracking Software
Ease of use
Ease of Setup

We help retailers manage the after-checkout experience, reduce customer service costs and improve their logistics setup.

Parcel Perform
Parcel Perform

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Customer Reviews

Parcel Perform Reviews

User in Marketing and Advertising

Advanced user of Parcel Perform
solid product

What do you like best?

the b2b component is applicable to my daily roles assisting the supervisor of parahanalia distribution

What do you dislike?

slow response times when running multiple tasks

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

quick efficient distribution of key payloads

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