Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Formerly known as Windows Defender, Microsoft Defender Antivirus still delivers the comprehensive, ongoing, and real-time protection you expect against software threats like viruses, malware, and spyware across email, apps, the cloud, and the web.

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8.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #83 in category Antivirus Software
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Formerly known as Windows Defender, Microsoft Defender Antivirus still delivers the comprehensive, ongoing, and real-time protection you expect against software threats like viruses, malware, and spyware across email, apps, the cloud, and the web.

Microsoft Defender Antivirus
Microsoft Defender Antivirus

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Customer Reviews

Microsoft Defender Antivirus Reviews

Alfredo R.

Advanced user of Microsoft Defender Antivirus
It is good but sometimes not working good with some programs aim a musician.

What do you like best?

Umbrella s a great option cause it easy to work

What do you dislike?

no working with my music program to record something always is a bad antivirus for programs I use so it is a bad program that just works with some kind of people

Recommendations to others considering the product:

it is good if you have just a basic requirement on your lap but if you work with heavy programs it is gonna total failure.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

when aiming at my website or try to send some information keeps my under secure and is great but sometimes just stock with the musician reords or try to install from other device keeps saying is a voirus so I don't like that kind of stuff always the same and when we try to update for most recently list on the virus advice always has the same it a good app but I fell they can get a better experiences because always has the same contain the I work with other programs they are awesome even with the customerservice that's why I work with another anti virus for me it is more secure and easy to work so I don't thinks it is aggreta option the defender just if you have a low quality laptop it is gonna work but yi you spend 900 dlls on one device you need a better program than just defender is is your money on game for musicians sucks more when you are recording always it is better a mac for that situation I think defender never think more than his basic programs I remember always has apoor antivirus and bad resignal, so in this case I use another bran on antivirus to get more satisfaction, here is one advice you can add new system, why you don't work with android many devices has that opcion, or just make sustainable cause in the market are many differntes

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