Maxwell Render is rendering technology capable of simulating light exactly as it behaves in the real world
Maxwell Render is rendering technology capable of simulating light exactly as it behaves in the real world
Customer Reviews
Sohail A.
Advanced user of Maxwell Renderit is cheap renderer engine compare to other like Vray etc.
Best quality shading and lighting with no GI flicking issues
Maxwell IPR Maxwell FIRE is best IPR out there it is fast from other IPR like vray or other render engine.
and the camera work is very very better in the Maxwell render engine, because its controls are very similar to cinema camera, and it is amazing to work with those settings.
I can stop and restart renders very fast like light cache in vray it shows how render will look like in final render on very very early stages that makes it very power full render engine in my opinion.
it is still slow when rendering SSS, but I hope developers are working hard to make SSS faster to render.
there is no No procedural shading, the standard application has some procedural shaders but those are not enough
it is very very hard or impossible to do NPR rendering
there are so many files cache when starting the big scene render.
it solve all the problem cheaply :)
IPR works amazing there that makes it better for IPR rendering software out there,
when ever I gets stuck somewhere I get help from documentations, which is a very great way to understand the render engine,
the layers shading system is better .. also the material library of the Maxwell renderer is amazing, so much materials are ready there.