We founded the company in late 2016 because we saw huge inefficiencies with the way that engineers, researchers and scientists determined whether or not their ideas were novel, or applicable in other technology areas. Companies ‚ì both large and small ‚ì need to know what‚ special about the technical work that goes on within their organization. But engineers, researchers and scientists are too busy on solving problems, rather than tracking down all similar ideas within their spaces and justifying why their solution is different. This drastically slows down the speed at which innovation can occur by creating a huge disconnect between those that understand the technology and those that understand the market. Our top priority was making a tool that engineers, researchers and scientists would get use out of. Technical employees want to know why what they are working on is so unique, but the amount of time it takes to determine that is a huge barrier to entry. By making a tool that technical people want to use and running our advanced AI understanding over it, we realized that we could connect entire companies with a shared understanding, rapidly speeding up the pace of innovation

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Product is rated as #65 in category Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms
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Legit™ is the industry-leading platform that helps companies collaborate with internal and external experts in life sciences.

With over 2 million experts available, the top life science teams use Legit™ to:

– Derisk and accelerate programs
– Surface ideas with breakthrough potential
– Discover similar research
– Prevent duplicated efforts
– Collaborate with internal experts


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