This is what KigaRoo offers to Kindergartens, Daycares, Nurseries, and Nannies.
This is what KigaRoo offers to Kindergartens, Daycares, Nurseries, and Nannies.
Customer Reviews
User in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Advanced user of KigaRooKigaroo makes it pretty easy for me to rummage through my account at work, manager uses it to send me messages or leave me notes. It's as easy to access as 1,2,3
The only thing I dislike is not knowing more about the software, it's not as common in this country. So far so good with it, however, and there's not much I would change at this point
A problem this software solved was the in and out communication between coworkers, with this software I can see everything on paper and see my records