Estimote is a sensor-based context and micro-location platform for mobile developers.
Estimote is a sensor-based context and micro-location platform for mobile developers.
Customer Reviews
Jeff L.
Advanced user of EstimoteI have found the entire service to be really excellent to work with and implement. Truly I found the estimote sdk to be extremely simple to work with, and implement in XCode. As yet, I haven't worked with this in Android, however I see this as being just as simple there as well. I also appreciated the Estimote cloud service as a simple solution to monitoring my fleet of beacons.
I found the price structure to fluctuate this last year. I am also not a fan of the bright colors for the beacons. I do like the rock styling, however, I would prefer a slim, simple design.
Spend time reviewing the SDK docs, there are some really nice services that can be easily implemented. The Estimote telemetry data is fantastic, including the low battery indicator, motion indicator, and current temperature. Realy the whole system is quite fantastic. I would like to have tried out a few others just to compare, but I haven't had the chance as I really haven't had any complaints and don't see the need to try anything else.
I use the Estimote beacons to pass along notifications to users in our properties. This has been extremely beneficial in sharing our availabilities, and amenities to prospective clients in a personal way that cuts out the need for additional services or users to share this information physically.