What do you like best?
We started with the Facility Dude Work Management. We learn about the Capital Forecasting from there. The biggest thing that we like is the capability of the program to not just connect with the Facility Dude but provide you with reminders in all the capital projects you have. Our Facility Director does not have to go into another area it's all in one place. For me as the COO, I can review the plan for the upcoming year and know what to project for our next years budget. It also helps other management team to know what our plans are if given access. It helps track, record even has an area that helps our Facility Director manage cost. This also helps our Building Committee to see our 10 year plan and discern the information to the board for why we need funding. The other component is how through they were in the reviewing our facility. When they did the presentation, they were friendly, was very knowledgeable and was so accommodating. We had asked them to have to do the presentation a few times to a few committee's we have.
What do you dislike?
We just started this a month ago so I can't say there is something we dislike about it yet. If there is anything I will definitely come back and make the change.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I highly recommend this product especially to non-profit organization. As non-profits we tend to leave capital projects to later however, knowing when things will need to be replaced, having a timeline and projected cost will help prepare until it is to late.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
The ability to project in the next 10 years what we need and start planning. Our Facility Director is now equip with tools to be prepared and reminded on what is up on the list. The graphs and reports available is handing for presentation to our board.