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DocuVieware HTML5 Viewer and Document Management Kit

Create powerful web applications to manage each step of a document’s lifecycle.

Zero-footprint HTML5/AJAX solution

вљЉ Fast, secure, customizable control.
вљЉ Handle any documents from any source.
вљЉ High-quality display for raster and vector documents.
вљЉ Works in all modern browsers and devices.

Advanced annotation support

вљЉ Annotate nearly 100 common document formats.
вљЉ Broad range of annotation widgets.
вљЉ Fully customizable annotation appearance.
вљЉ Control access, editing, viewing & printing rights.

Responsive and unparalleled client UI

вљЉ Open any document from desktop or URI.
вљЉ Advanced printing support.
вљЉ Annotations, thumbnails, bookmarks & text search snap-ins.
вљЉ Pan, zoom, rotate, select text, navigate, and more.

Easy integration and endless possibilities

вљЉ Just write a few lines of code, and it’s done.
вљЉ Match user preferences by enabling or disabling client features.
вљЉ Javascript API to control all UI features and appearance.
вљЉ Server-side API with 2000+ functionalities.


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