ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. ClickHeat is an OpenSource software, released under GPL licence, and free of charge.
ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. ClickHeat is an OpenSource software, released under GPL licence, and free of charge.
Customer Reviews
User in Publishing
Advanced user of ClickheatThe visual data looks great. Super easy to read. Also, the customer service is great. I've had a few situations where I couldn't really figure out how to change the dimensions of the page and they were able to reach out to me and guide me through the process.
Slow on Firefox for some reason. Sometimes it also shows that the area of where the heat map is wrong. I think you just have to change the dimensions of the page layout. That part isn't very intuitive.
It's a very simple software and you can use it with other applications which is great.
Seeing where to best optimize our pages and links. Also completely made me change the layout of certain pages. it really allowed me to think about why people click in certain areas and why they don't click in other areas -- never really thought about the user input of my website.