APOS Publisher - Report distribution and bursting done right
What do you like best?
A LOT of options and flexibility to add more
What do you dislike?
So many options are overwhelming at first
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
I've always had problems with publications, not with Publisher. It just works, it is not a black box. If it should fail, you are able to troubleshoot and backtrack and find out the problem in a straightforward way. I've never been able to do that with a publication. APOS Systems is one of the few companies, the only one that comes to mine, where Tech Support has a human answer the phone. They want you to succeed with their software and will help you set it up and make sure it is working to your satisfaction. What vendor does that? Anyway, we use it to pull in a list dynamically using SQL statements from the database so we have the most current list to work with and run the reports based on that data. We also have three reports using the same exact data in different ways and our users get one email with three attachments. The software gives the option to give one attachment with three worksheets instead of the three attachments. Another need was to send a spreadsheet zipped and password protected. No problem for Publisher, it could have encrypted it as well if needed. I've always referred to Publications as being delicate because changes usually cause them to break. Make all the changes you need with Publisher. Need a second bursting job similar to one that you have? Do a Save As and update the settings and your done. Simple as that. Now at first it was overwhelming with so many options. APOS Systems wants you to succeed with the software, I can't stress that enough. They will walk you through it and you will be an expert in no time.