
Website Grader (website speed, SEO, quality, etc)

Languages supported: English, French

7.6/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #164 in category SEO Software
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DareBoost is an online tool to test, analyze and monitor your website: speed, SEO, quality, security. All you need for website optimization in a single service.


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Customer Reviews

Dareboost.com Reviews

Rucan N.

Advanced user of Dareboost.com
Extraordinary potential and possibilities to reach customers better

What do you like best?

The speed test works consummately and assists with checking each and every page on our landing page - since now we utilized the device to check and control the stacking rate of pages (inside classifications and articles).

What do you dislike?

There are indicated a few upgrades to chip away at it, yet this are simply pages with a higher measure of pictures, so obviously the stacking speed is less, anyway it would be decent in the event that we can avoid this pages.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Getting the best controlling unit of our landing page - the executives of finding gradually stacking website pages to have the likelihood to act and switch settings to accelerate the stacking season of the pages.

Review source: G2.com

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