
SMS-based customer engagement software for delivery restaurants.

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0.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #27 in category Restaurant Management Software
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SMS-based customer engagement software for delivery restaurants.


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Customer Reviews

Servmetrics Reviews

User in International Trade and Development

Advanced user of Servmetrics
What Does It Actually Do?

What do you like best?

Do people actually care about a product that simply analyzes dining experiences? I don't think so. No one's that picky or that disconnected to simply take the time out of their day to use this app. Honestly, the amount of coordination relative to benefit really just isn't worth it. If you're at any restaurant worth its salt, the restaurant would already have you appropriately taken care of.

What do you dislike?

It literally doesn't add any value to the dining process. It seems like a waste of money, and a tool only people disconnected from the real world would fund/use. Seriously? Just leave if service is bad.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Don't use it. What's the point of real-time service updates? People seldom use real-time updates for more important stuff like traffic.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

None, it literally does nothing important.

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