Polaris PDF

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9.6/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #9 in category PDF Editor Software
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view, edit and convert PDF documnet to other document formats

Polaris PDF
Polaris PDF

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Customer Reviews

Polaris PDF Reviews

Charles B.

Advanced user of Polaris PDF
Effectively usable

What do you like best?

The greatest thing about Polaris Office is that nothing comes alone, it is a great collection of wonderful packages and that rings the same for Polaris PDF, besides it being easy to use and having a wonderful user interface that is easy to work with, it comes with sister packages and thus one has ability to convert back and forth and edit their PDF with other Polaris packages like Word, Sheet and Slide and the beauty is that all this is one place and one doe snot need to go software shopping to find different software that is tailored for their needs.

What do you dislike?

It is above par and indeed at the moment there are no dislikes.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

It is a great PDF tool that comes with other packages in the Office suite that make its use the finest and most desirable and therefore it is highly recommended.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

The greatest benefit derived from using Polaris PDF has been the great user interface and the fact that it is easy to use and that it comes with other packages like word, sheet and slide which enable one to efficiently complete any tasks and deliver PDFs with any of their preferred primary document type, with great editing tools that are unmatched.

Review source: G2.com

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