Exact Data

Exact Data offers mailing and lead lists services.

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3.6/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #54 in category Other Lead Generation Software
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Exact Data offers mailing and lead lists services.

Exact Data
Exact Data

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Customer Reviews

Exact Data Reviews

Karl J.

Advanced user of Exact Data
Getting B2B Data Online Instantly

What do you like best?

I love that I'm able to use their data widget to customize my list to pull B2B Sales leads from, I also love that they're available instantly.

What do you dislike?

I dislike that there are not alot of options when it comes to pulling B2B Data without going through a sales representative. I also don't like the accuracy in their list there is often filler contacts that do not match the specifications of the list you customize. I also dislike the the high price per contact that comes with Exact Data.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

If you're on a timeframe, I would recommend using exact data to pull data from them instantly. However if you have time, i would definitely go with another option for more high-quality data. Exact Data just helps you get data fast!

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

With Exact Data we're able to build and download B2B list instantly. We have found it as a great and reliable tool to get data from instantly. We love it because when our sales reps are out of leads we can pull leads from Exact Data without having to go through a waiting period.

Review source: G2.com

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