GrapheneDB – Neo4j Graph Database as a service

GrapheneDB is the world's first fully managed hosting service for the world's leading graph database Neo4j.

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8.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #82 in category Other Analytics Software
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GrapheneDB is the world’s first fully managed hosting service for the world’s leading graph database Neo4j.

GrapheneDB – Neo4j Graph Database as a service
GrapheneDB – Neo4j Graph Database as a service

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Customer Reviews

GrapheneDB – Neo4j Graph Database as a service Reviews

User in Health, Wellness and Fitness

Advanced user of GrapheneDB – Neo4j Graph Database as a service
GrapheneDB for managing our neo4j graph database instance

What do you like best?

I liked that graphene provided automated backups and the auto scaling provided ,which made our scaling problems easier to handle. We had to manually provision earlier.

What do you dislike?

I did not like that AWS and Heroku were the only two options ,our team would.have liked to connect to microsoft Azure directly.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

GrapheneDB is an excellent choice for a fully managed graph database ,but keep in mind that it does not yet support all cloud platforms - most significantly Azure.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

We're using GrapheneDB to manage our graph database on the cloud. We have systems which are built on neo4j, but their usage is highly dependent on the number of users using it. For this, scaling was becoming an issue and we decided to use GrapheneDB to solve that problem.

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