Reliable, resilient, low-latency DNS serving from Google’s worldwide network
Reliable, resilient, low-latency DNS serving from Google’s worldwide network
Customer Reviews
Uganti M.
Advanced user of Google Cloud DNSGoogle cloud DNS have the best pricing structure, the fastest response time, most secure and reliable features. As it's infrastructure is supported by Google Cloud, which has 100% carbon free environment, it's also good for the earth too. We have full control on the DNS settings of our domain without using any 3rd party tool or service. Another feature that I like is, if we want to update any record in the zone, we can easily do that, and it propagates much faster than other DNS services.
There is nothing to dislike it fully, but still it lacks in some ways, like First time setup, managing or updating the records of the zone are a bit complicated comparing to another DNS services. Also, it's less user friendly in comparison to it's competitors.
We recommend to all of my review readers to try the google dns service as it is really fast and reliable. Yes, it's little bit confusing for setting up or managing for the first time, but after few times, you will become expert into it. Google Cloud DNS is fastest DNS according to my opinion and that is the must have from a DNS service provider.
We, at our organisation, use Google DNS for all of our DNS related needs. After using it continuously, we realized that it is fast and reliable as it's availability doesn't compromise. It could handle from small to largest amount of user simultaneously.