Beds24 Internet booking engine (IBE) is an online booking system with availibility calendars, online booking and property management, channel managers and other tools to help you manage your online reservations and more.
Beds24 Internet booking engine (IBE) is an online booking system with availibility calendars, online booking and property management, channel managers and other tools to help you manage your online reservations and more.
Customer Reviews
Administrator in Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Advanced user of Beds24 Internet booking engine (IBE)It is not conceptualized as all these "very easy software" that for being so easy lacks of functionalities. In this case Beds24 is not "scared to scare" its users, because it offers all the functionalities.
And, what's best, it is technically very reliable.
For what it offers it is very cheap indeed.
Reporting is already very flexible, but using the system in a deep way, it should be needed to report using all of the features of beds24 itself. Such as choosing if reporting copied bookings and shadow bookings, etc.
It can be done via exporting flat table and then elaborating via Excel, but it could be great if much of the filtering could be done in advance
Use it only if you're confident in self-service tools and are prepared to understand all of its features.
It's very powerful, but it needs time to get understood.
Mostly I've been using it to create my very complex Channel Manager infrastructure.
So far it is the only one who offer such a wide possibility of configuration