EzReservation.net Booking Engine

EzReservation.net Booking Engine is a secure, online reservations booking system that provides tools and features to help your customers book your rooms, with real-time inventory upload and deduction, emial confirmations, email notifications, and more.

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7.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #48 in category Hotel Reservations Software
Ease of use
Ease of Setup

EzReservation.net Booking Engine is a secure, online reservations booking system that provides tools and features to help your customers book your rooms, with real-time inventory upload and deduction, emial confirmations, email notifications, and more.

EzReservation.net Booking Engine
EzReservation.net Booking Engine

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Customer Reviews

EzReservation.net Booking Engine Reviews

User in Logistics and Supply Chain

Advanced user of EzReservation.net Booking Engine
used it a few times for my doctor's office

What do you like best?

ease of scheduling and confirmation of appointments

What do you dislike?

don't like visuals of the page, hard to remember passwords and difficult to recover

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?


Review source: G2.com

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