progeCAD IntelliCAD, the most “AutoCAD Like” software on the market today, is built from the ground up to satisfy those who wish to work with the DWG format and has a familiar interface you are used to designing with
progeCAD IntelliCAD, the most “AutoCAD Like” software on the market today, is built from the ground up to satisfy those who wish to work with the DWG format and has a familiar interface you are used to designing with
Customer Reviews
Alejandro G.
Advanced user of progeCADAs an alternative to autocad, this software is just incredible. Not only it feels just the same as if you were using autodesk software, the commands are so similar that the learning curve for using it is basically non existent, and the graphic interface is almost identical. Plus this comes with the fact that this software is significantly cheaper than autocad.
The only downside I have had with progecad is the fact that when opening DWG files created with it on autocad, my clients have had some issues, and since autocad is the industry standard, this is a huge problem. Also I have found that using progecad tends to consume lots of ram memory and my computer gets slowed down.
If you have a vast amount of resources in your company, I definetly recommend using autocad since it is the industry standard and you won't have those compatibility issues. However if you are on a budget progecad won't let you down, it is extremely powerful and it is definetly the most complete alternative to autocad. You might want to invest in a good pc for you to have streamlined experience.
We have used progecad as an alternative to autocad when our budget wouldn't allow us to renew our licenses, and at those times it has been extremely beneficial for us. We created industrial DWG designs just as great as if they were created with autocad, and it allowed us to keep designing in spite of our financial problems.