Green Filing

Green Filing is a certified electronic filing service provider to the Utah State District Courts. Our web based software allows Utah attorneys and their staff to view case information, documents on court cases, and e-file new pleadings into Utah's State Courts.

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0.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #5 in category E-Filing Platforms
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Green Filing is a certified electronic filing service provider to the Utah State District Courts. Our web based software allows Utah attorneys and their staff to view case information, documents on court cases, and e-file new pleadings into Utah’s State Courts.

Green Filing
Green Filing

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Customer Reviews

Green Filing Reviews

User in Law Practice

Advanced user of Green Filing
Terrible Support

What do you like best?

Ease of filing and retrieving documents.

What do you dislike?

The customer service is rude and unhelpful.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

GreenFiling is becoming increasingly less user friendly. They have removed several of the time-saving features. I can no longer save pleading names to auto-populate in the fields. They will no longer return file-marked pleadings over a small file size, requiring the user to individually download each pleading, which is a huge time suck. Customer services is rude and unhelpful. I was told to figure it out by myself on two occasions. I will gladly not be paying Greenfiling hundreds of dollars in filing fees each months.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

I used to be able to save the names of pleadings to auto-populate in the description. I used to be able to receive file-marked pleadings in multiple .pdfs attached in one email. I can no longer use either of these time savers and customer services's response is that it is "not our problem."

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