
ClusterControl is an all-inclusive database management system that lets you easily deploy, monitor, manage & scale highly available open source databases on-premise or in the cloud.

Languages supported: English

Platforms: Mac, Win, Linux

Price: $$$$$

Business Size: 1

9.0/10 (Expert Score) ★★★★★
Product is rated as #35 in category Database Management Systems (DBMS) Software
Ease of use
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ClusterControl helps solve the problems involving performance monitoring, backup management, automatic recovery upon failures, security and compliance. It combines – in one product – everything you need to deploy and operate mission-critical open source databases in production. It incorporates the best practices learned from thousands of customer deployments in a comprehensive system that helps you manage your open source databases safely and reliably.


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Customer Reviews

ClusterControl Reviews

Aitor A.

Advanced user of ClusterControl
If the cost is not an important point, this tool is a must for DDBB Admins

What do you like best?

This tools provide an easy way to deploy into your servers (no other pre-requisites needes, just operative system installed and updated) several kind of databases' cluster.

The main valuable points are:

- one-click installations (is not just one click but very easy installation steps based on click next, fill some basic info and finish)

- Alerts by email, slack or webhook.

- Possibility to schedule reports and send them by email.

- A bunch of useful option within the DB backup process

- A tool to control, monitoring, manage (all in one DB)

What do you dislike?

At this moment, the tools offer a community version, totally free but with restrictions to use several useful options.

By other side, the subscription versions are expensive if we take into account that we must have the servers, I mean, SeveralNines, only provide the tool (incluided support and updates) nothing else.

And the payment is yearly. The quotation is personalised by customer, in my case:

- 2500€ + taxes per node yearly.

So, if we need a 5 nodes DB clusters --> 12.500€ + taxes + servers costs.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

High valuable options if the costs are not a problem or if you don't mind to use a Community version in production env. for your project/company.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?


- You will have a single-point where to manage your DB cluster

- A very friendly graphic interface.

- Schedule and automatize till a high level.


- High costs

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