Performance monitoring for your entire application.
Atatus ensures that your teams get deep view into all the performance metrics that are needed to deliver high quality and reliable software. Get to know as soon as an issue occurs, who, when and what caused the performance bottleneck. Atatus provides you with:
Real User Monitoring:
Improve end user performance by understanding the complex frontend performance issues that arises due to slow page loads, delayed static assests and ajax requests. Track javascript errors that occur resolve that affects your customer’s experience.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM):
Measure how your backend is performing, where your app needs optimization by analyzing transaction traces, slow database queries, external request to other services with Atatus APM
– Monitor the health of your apps and get alerts when your customer experience issues
– Measure frontend and backend performance and judge your user satisfaction levels using Apdex scores (Application Index)
– Resolve performance or availability issues before your customers are impacted.