What do you like best?
Customized Relationship Rules, Ease of tracing requirements, Review center is very helpful for internal reviews as well as customer reviews. Requirements coverage and traceability.
Ease of creating the export templates give us a lot of game in making them personalized.
Comment feature on the requirements and test cases really helps Stakeholder with the visibility and participation.
What do you dislike?
If the review center can provide a way to attach the attachments, it will save us a lot of time and prevent juggling between the tasks.
Currently, only upstream and downstream items are visible, which is very useful.
We recently had a customer review on requirements and their verification, which helped a lot.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Requirements Traceability, Direct Coverage visibility for requirements.
All the test cases are in one place and organized by test plans.
Ease of creating tests for primary and secondary witnesses which allows us to run tests by two separate independent parties.
Requirements Review by a large group of stakeholders instead of having to work on excel sheets. This helps in keeping a track on versions and releases.