Tweet Archivist is a Twitter analytics tool to search, archive, analyze, visualize, save and export tweets based on a search term or hashtag
Tweet Archivist is a Twitter analytics tool to search, archive, analyze, visualize, save and export tweets based on a search term or hashtag
Customer Reviews
User in Education Management
Advanced user of Tweet ArchivistTweet Archivist shows help analytics that allow you to monitor your company's social media presence on Twitter as well as compare it to that of other companies. There is a significant amount of information available to you as a user and it is very easy to access.
I am not a fan of the high monthly price-tag Tweet Archivist brings. I would much rather pay one lump sum fee to have constant access to the program than pay a monthly fee.
Tweet Archivist allows me determine what, in my social media strategies, are working, and what are not.