Advance accounts handling and strong team management with risk tackling approach
What do you like best?
The Oracle E-Business Suite has Advance accounts handling and strong team management with risk tackling approach.IT is the core finance management sytem which very easy to integrate and deploy with the same platform.The support and service system is also very helpful and online available.This suite also accomodate the global projects.
What do you dislike?
The Oracle E-Business Suite is really cost effective for the huge companies with the big volume data.AS it is set of application it need proper training to achieve the best results. The Oracle E-Business Suite Non IT person needs moretechnical learning and involement in this suite to handle the issues as well
Recommendations to others considering the product:
The Oracle E-Business Suite is very easy to configure out of the box,The adminstration has been provided the advance approach to manage the system smoothly.It makes the cash and collection system centralized and transparent.It has enhanced the performance of my business and effciency as well.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
The Oracle E-Business Suite is a complete solution for a company with inventory and invoice handling with stock management system.It covers the payroll system and HR as well . The flexible golbal reporting system makes the localization easy.